This picture best represents my position on Cabeza de Vaca. A lot of people know the prase: "Dont judge a book by its cover." This picture here is a nice visual of that. As one would see after reading the story, the christians in the story saw the indians as lessers. They did not treat the indians as equals, as human beings. Yes the indians customs would have been way different than that of the christians, but just because of the way they looked and acted, did not mean they had rights. The indians, starting off before they were inslaved by the christians, were probably the nicest people around. The fed, clothed, and took care of the new people to their land, and what did the christians do? They took advantage of them, and used them.
In this picture we see a bar with two books, talking about the book across the room. One of the books at the bar expresses how she has already judged the other book, by how he looks. Yes the book across the room does look rather crazy, but that does not mean he is. He could be real nice and nice treating, like how the indians were when the settlers first apeared in the new world. Yet, he is still judged by his apperance.
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